ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance
e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the
spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver
position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix [n e u] and the distance between the
sv and rx (RHO=X(j)-X(i)) is a N-by-3 vector with N satellite postitions
calculated from spatial coordinates in m.
The output e_az_s is a N-by-3 vector and contains the elevation angle [°],
the zenit angle [°] and the spatial distance [m] from the rx to the sv.- ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance
e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the
spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver
position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix [n e u] and the distance between the
sv and rx (RHO=X(j)-X(i)) is a N-by-3 vector with N satellite postitions
calculated from spatial coordinates in m.
The output e_az_s is a N-by-3 vector and contains the elevation angle [°],
the zenit angle [°] and the spatial distance [m] from the rx to the sv.
e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the
spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver
position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix [n e u] and the distance between the
sv and rx (RHO=X(j)-X(i)) is a N-by-3 vector with N satellite postitions
calculated from spatial coordinates in m.
The output e_az_s is a N-by-3 vector and contains the elevation angle [°],
the zenit angle [°] and the spatial distance [m] from the rx to the sv.- ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance
e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the
spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver
position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix [n e u] and the distance between the
sv and rx (RHO=X(j)-X(i)) is a N-by-3 vector with N satellite postitions
calculated from spatial coordinates in m.
The output e_az_s is a N-by-3 vector and contains the elevation angle [°],
the zenit angle [°] and the spatial distance [m] from the rx to the sv.