通过对边界波理论公式所得的光强分布曲线, 对几何照明区与阴影区的光强分布曲线与面衍
射积分公式所得的光强分布曲线进行比较, 分析了边界波理论公式对衍射场描述的准确性1-The light intensity distribution of diffraction of circular aperture was investigated by numerical analysis. In the case of the light intensity distribution function according to the boundary
diffraction wave theory formula scaled along theaxis direction of light in tensity respect ively in the
shadow zone and the geomet rical zone, then by comparing the above ligh t in ten sity dist ribu t ion cu rse
and one direct ly by u sing the dualist ic in tegral, the accuracy of the boundary diffraction wave theory
formula was analyzed in some certain areas.
通过对边界波理论公式所得的光强分布曲线, 对几何照明区与阴影区的光强分布曲线与面衍
射积分公式所得的光强分布曲线进行比较, 分析了边界波理论公式对衍射场描述的准确性1-The light intensity distribution of diffraction of circular aperture was investigated by numerical analysis. In the case of the light intensity distribution function according to the boundary
diffraction wave theory formula scaled along theaxis direction of light in tensity respect ively in the
shadow zone and the geomet rical zone, then by comparing the above ligh t in ten sity dist ribu t ion cu rse
and one direct ly by u sing the dualist ic in tegral, the accuracy of the boundary diffraction wave theory
formula was analyzed in some certain areas.