更新内容: 新增 后台视频管理允许按分类和地区进行搜索。新增 后台增加重复视频检测功能。新增 后台评论管理中显示影片名称。新增 后台增加第三方统计代码的设置选项新增 前台发布影片时自动检测是否有相同影片。新增 前台发布影片时可以使用http形式的海报地址,并允许下载远程图片。新增 影片信息增加备注。新增 影片信息增加年代。新增 增加其它播放器(比如PPVOD) 新增 栏目地址允许外链。新增 栏目中的影片允许按最后更新时间排序。新增 栏目属性新增隐藏栏目,即没有权限浏览的版块或栏目以及其所含影片在前台自动隐藏新增 发布评论时增加验证码功能。新增 发布影片与评论的内容增加UBB代码新增 在首页显著位置增加搜索功能。新增 首页添加Flash展示模块改进 网站关闭时管理员照样可以访问改进 分页增加"上一页"与"下一页"链接改进 改进标签功能。(商业版可以自动生成标签) 修正 发布影片时当地址中含有 , 时出错的BUG。修正 注册页面中的信息提示在Firefox和IE8中出错的BUG。修正 点击验证码在IE7/IE8/Firefox中不能更换的BUG。修正 恢复数据库时输入密码错误等问题。
-Renewal content: The additional backstage video frequency management permission carries on the search according to the classification and the area. The additional backstage increases the redundant video frequency measuring ability. In the additional backstage commentary management demonstrates the movie name. The additional backstage increases the third party statistics code the establishment option to increase the onstage to issue when movie whether the automatic detection does have the same movie. Increases the onstage to issue when movie may use the http form the playbill address, and permits the downloading long-distance picture. The additional movie information increases the note. The additional movie information increases the age. The addition increases other players (for instance PPVOD) to increase outside the column address permission the chain. Increases in the column the movie permission according to last modified time sorting. The additional column attribute increases the hi
-Renewal content: The additional backstage video frequency management permission carries on the search according to the classification and the area. The additional backstage increases the redundant video frequency measuring ability. In the additional backstage commentary management demonstrates the movie name. The additional backstage increases the third party statistics code the establishment option to increase the onstage to issue when movie whether the automatic detection does have the same movie. Increases the onstage to issue when movie may use the http form the playbill address, and permits the downloading long-distance picture. The additional movie information increases the note. The additional movie information increases the age. The addition increases other players (for instance PPVOD) to increase outside the column address permission the chain. Increases in the column the movie permission according to last modified time sorting. The additional column attribute increases the hi
相关搜索: 视频检测