本书是游戏编程畅销书作者André LaMothe的扛鼎之作,从游戏编程和软件引擎的角度深入探讨了3D图形学的各个重要主题。全书共分5部分,包括16章的内容。第1~3章简要地介绍了Windows和DirectX编程,创建了一个Windows应用程序模板,让读者能够将精力放在游戏逻辑和图形实现中,而不用考虑Windows和DirectX方面的琐事;第4~5章简要地介绍了一些数学知识并实现了一个数学库,供以后编写演示程序时使用;第6章概述了3D图形学,让读者对本书将介绍的内容有大致的了解;第7~11章分别介绍了光照、明暗处理、仿射纹理映射、3D裁剪和深度缓存等内容;第12~14章讨论了高级3D渲染技术,包括透视修正纹理映射、Alpha混合、1/z缓存、纹理滤波、空间划分和可见性算法、阴影、光照映射等;第15~16章讨论了动画、运动碰撞检测和优化技术。
-This book is a best-selling game programming author André LaMothe to carry the tripod to make, from the game engine programming and software point of view in-depth study of the 3D graphics of the various important topics. The book is divided into five parts, including the 16 chapters. Chapter 1 Chapter 3 briefly describes the Windows and DirectX programming, to create a Windows Application template, so that readers can focus on the game logic and graphics implementation, without considering aspects of Windows and DirectX trivial No. 4 ~ Chapter 5 briefly describes some of the mathematical knowledge and implemented a mathematical library for later use when preparing demo program in Chapter 6 an overview of 3D graphics, so that the readers of this book will introduce the general understanding of the content No. 7 ~ 11 Zhang introduced the illumination, shading, affine texture mapping, 3D cutting and depth buffer etc. Article 14 of Chapter 12 to discuss high-level 3D rendering techniq
-This book is a best-selling game programming author André LaMothe to carry the tripod to make, from the game engine programming and software point of view in-depth study of the 3D graphics of the various important topics. The book is divided into five parts, including the 16 chapters. Chapter 1 Chapter 3 briefly describes the Windows and DirectX programming, to create a Windows Application template, so that readers can focus on the game logic and graphics implementation, without considering aspects of Windows and DirectX trivial No. 4 ~ Chapter 5 briefly describes some of the mathematical knowledge and implemented a mathematical library for later use when preparing demo program in Chapter 6 an overview of 3D graphics, so that the readers of this book will introduce the general understanding of the content No. 7 ~ 11 Zhang introduced the illumination, shading, affine texture mapping, 3D cutting and depth buffer etc. Article 14 of Chapter 12 to discuss high-level 3D rendering techniq