一般的FOrtran程序编译器只能检查一般的错误,而这个软件可以起到一般编译器不能起到的错误检查、程序优化作用。-Ftnchek (short for Fortran checker) is designed to detect certain
errors in a Fortran program that a compiler usually does not. Ftnchek
is not primarily intended to detect syntax errors. Its purpose is to
assist the user in finding semantic errors. Semantic errors are legal
in the Fortran language but are wasteful or may cause incorrect
operation. For example, variables which are never used may indicate
some omission in the program uninitialized variables contain garbage
which may cause incorrect results to be calculated and variables
which are not declared may not have the intended type.
Ftnchek is written in C. To build ftnchek, you must have a C compiler
for the machine on which you wish to build it. The URL for ftnchek s
home page is http://www.dsm.fordham.edu/~ftnchek. Source code, binary
executables for some platforms, and other information are available
errors in a Fortran program that a compiler usually does not. Ftnchek
is not primarily intended to detect syntax errors. Its purpose is to
assist the user in finding semantic errors. Semantic errors are legal
in the Fortran language but are wasteful or may cause incorrect
operation. For example, variables which are never used may indicate
some omission in the program uninitialized variables contain garbage
which may cause incorrect results to be calculated and variables
which are not declared may not have the intended type.
Ftnchek is written in C. To build ftnchek, you must have a C compiler
for the machine on which you wish to build it. The URL for ftnchek s
home page is http://www.dsm.fordham.edu/~ftnchek. Source code, binary
executables for some platforms, and other information are available