DSPF2812学习程序: 描述:利用GP定时器1在GPIOF8引脚上产生方波,令一个贴片LED闪烁
系统时钟150M,高速外设时钟25M,128分频后定时器周期为5.12us,适于初学者学习-DSPF2812 learning process: Descr iption: Using the GP Timer 1 GPIOF8 pin to generate a square wave, so that a flashing LED chip system clock 150M, high-speed peripheral clock 25M, 128 minutes after the timer frequency cycle 5.12us, suitable for the beginning of Scholars studying
系统时钟150M,高速外设时钟25M,128分频后定时器周期为5.12us,适于初学者学习-DSPF2812 learning process: Descr iption: Using the GP Timer 1 GPIOF8 pin to generate a square wave, so that a flashing LED chip system clock 150M, high-speed peripheral clock 25M, 128 minutes after the timer frequency cycle 5.12us, suitable for the beginning of Scholars studying