k-mean program INPUT
A Matrix or dataset
K Number of clusters to find (optional default: 2)
MAXIT maximum number of iterations (optional default: 50)
INIT Labels for initialisation, or
rand : take at random K objects as initial means, or
kcentres : use KCENTRES for initialisation (default)
FID File ID to write progress to (default [], see PRPROGRESS)
-k-mean program INPUT
A Matrix or dataset
K Number of clusters to find (optional default: 2)
MAXIT maximum number of iterations (optional default: 50)
INIT Labels for initialisation, or
rand : take at random K objects as initial means, or
kcentres : use KCENTRES for initialisation (default)
FID File ID to write progress to (default [], see PRPROGRESS)
A Matrix or dataset
K Number of clusters to find (optional default: 2)
MAXIT maximum number of iterations (optional default: 50)
INIT Labels for initialisation, or
rand : take at random K objects as initial means, or
kcentres : use KCENTRES for initialisation (default)
FID File ID to write progress to (default [], see PRPROGRESS)
-k-mean program INPUT
A Matrix or dataset
K Number of clusters to find (optional default: 2)
MAXIT maximum number of iterations (optional default: 50)
INIT Labels for initialisation, or
rand : take at random K objects as initial means, or
kcentres : use KCENTRES for initialisation (default)
FID File ID to write progress to (default [], see PRPROGRESS)