网络办公自动化系统 追求高效率的办公方式。
修改密码、机构管理、部门管理、员工管理、个人日程、部门日程、我的便签、文档管理、回收站管理、文档搜索、消息管理、个人信箱、员工签到签退、考勤历史查询、考勤统计等; 开发环境:Window Server XP JDK1.6 Tomcat6.0 MySql-The pursuit of office automation system network efficient way office. In order to improve the modern society, people' s working efficiency, to meet the needs of people to office automation, we developed a set of stable and reliable, easy to operate, safe and effective MyOffice system, which mainly include: personnel management, schedule management, document management, messaging, system management, attendance management, and other major modules. Change Password, institutional management, departmental management, staff management, personal calendar, departments, calendar, my notes, document management, and recycling management, document search, information management, personal mailbox, sign the attendance of staff retreat, attendance history, inquiries, attendance statistics etc. Development Environment: Window Server XP JDK1.6 Tomcat6.0 MySql
修改密码、机构管理、部门管理、员工管理、个人日程、部门日程、我的便签、文档管理、回收站管理、文档搜索、消息管理、个人信箱、员工签到签退、考勤历史查询、考勤统计等; 开发环境:Window Server XP JDK1.6 Tomcat6.0 MySql-The pursuit of office automation system network efficient way office. In order to improve the modern society, people' s working efficiency, to meet the needs of people to office automation, we developed a set of stable and reliable, easy to operate, safe and effective MyOffice system, which mainly include: personnel management, schedule management, document management, messaging, system management, attendance management, and other major modules. Change Password, institutional management, departmental management, staff management, personal calendar, departments, calendar, my notes, document management, and recycling management, document search, information management, personal mailbox, sign the attendance of staff retreat, attendance history, inquiries, attendance statistics etc. Development Environment: Window Server XP JDK1.6 Tomcat6.0 MySql