初估计,采用图像块法得到整像素的运动估计矢量。精估计采用光流梯度法。为提高鲁棒性,运用简化的M 收敛法
进行梯度约束。最后阶段采用双线性内插对当前帧与参考帧进行匹准-Electronic image stabilization, real-time robust algorithm, first collected in the establishment of Gaussian pyramid for each fr a me. And then carry out the early top-level Gaussian pyramid is estimated to be using the whole-pixel image block method of motion estimation vector. Precision is estimated using optical flow gradient method. To improve robustness, the use of M-convergence method to simplify constraint gradient. The final stage of using a bilinear interpolation on the current fr a me and reference fr a me bolts of quasi-
初估计,采用图像块法得到整像素的运动估计矢量。精估计采用光流梯度法。为提高鲁棒性,运用简化的M 收敛法
进行梯度约束。最后阶段采用双线性内插对当前帧与参考帧进行匹准-Electronic image stabilization, real-time robust algorithm, first collected in the establishment of Gaussian pyramid for each fr a me. And then carry out the early top-level Gaussian pyramid is estimated to be using the whole-pixel image block method of motion estimation vector. Precision is estimated using optical flow gradient method. To improve robustness, the use of M-convergence method to simplify constraint gradient. The final stage of using a bilinear interpolation on the current fr a me and reference fr a me bolts of quasi-
Real-TimeRobustAlgorithmofDigitalImageStabilization\Texture classification usingspectral histograms.pdf