以grade为首地址的10个字的数组中保存了学生的成绩,其中grade+i保存学号为i+1的学生的成绩。要求建立一个10个字的rank数组,并根据grade中的学生成绩将学生名次填入rank数组中,其中rank+1的内容是学号为i+1学生的名次(一个学生的名次等于成绩高于该学生的人数加1)。-To grade, led the 10-word address stored in an array of student achievement, including grade+ i save the school No. i+1 of student achievement. Requires the establishment of a 10-word rank arrays, and according to grade the performance of their students rank the students fill in an array of rank, where rank+1 the content of school No. i+1 ranking of students (a student' s rank is equal to the high performance in the number of students plus 1).