基于STM32编写的TXT阅读器,供大家讨论研究。1. 程序是刚刚才写出来的,没有整理,(也很懒,不想整理),只是修改了几个函数,用了FATFS文件系统(这个系统,我也不了解,只是用了它两个函数).2必须在SD卡根目录下有个TEST.TXT文件.(我测试300K的TXT都可以正常使用,但是有极少部分文字显示乱码,不知道是字库的问题,还是我程序的问题)3.程序使用:开机后,按 左键-------录入test.txt文件(文件大的要等好几十秒)
-Based on the STM32 prepared TXT reader, for all to discuss and study. 1. Program is only just written, with no sorting (also lazy, do not want to order), but modified a few functions, with the FATFS file system (this system, I do not know, only used it two functions ) .2 must be SD card root directory has a TEST.TXT files. (I tested 300K can be used normally to TXT, but there are rarely part of the text displayed garbled, I do not know font problem, or I have a point of order ) 3. program to use: boot, press the left button------- Input test.txt file (a good tens of seconds to wait for a large)
-Based on the STM32 prepared TXT reader, for all to discuss and study. 1. Program is only just written, with no sorting (also lazy, do not want to order), but modified a few functions, with the FATFS file system (this system, I do not know, only used it two functions ) .2 must be SD card root directory has a TEST.TXT files. (I tested 300K can be used normally to TXT, but there are rarely part of the text displayed garbled, I do not know font problem, or I have a point of order ) 3. program to use: boot, press the left button------- Input test.txt file (a good tens of seconds to wait for a large)
.............\.....\SD_Target 1.dep
.............\.....\SD_DEBUG IN FLASH.dep
.............\.....\SD_Target 1.dep
.............\.....\SD_DEBUG IN FLASH.dep