人事管理子系统的直接用户是平果铝业公司劳资人事处以及劳人处各科室包括调派科、技术干部科、计划科、劳资科、档案室,纪检科、劳务市场、保险所等八个部门,本子系统可以帮助管理层迅速了解公司职工各方面情况,更方便、更合理地调配使用人才,支持对员工从聘用签订劳动合同到解除或终止劳动合同全过程的处理、其中包括考核、培训、加薪、晋级、奖惩、调配、请假、离退休、保险等的管理-Personnel management subsystem is to direct users Pingguo Aluminum Company Personnel and Labor Department of Labor Bureau of various departments, including the deployment of technical cadres Section, Plans Section Lao Zike, file room, Discipline Branch, labor market, insurance, etc. 8 departments and sub-systems can help management to quickly understand the various aspects of the company employees, more convenient, more rational deployment of the use of personnel, support staff from the employment of labor contracts to the discharge or terminate the labor contract deal with the whole process, including assessment, training, , pay, promotion, rewards and punishments, deployment, leave, retirement, insurance, management, etc.