禁忌搜索法对初始解、邻域个数及禁忌列表的大小等参数有比较严格的要求, 这些参数直接影响着算法的优化能
力。文章提出了一种改进的禁忌搜索法, 它用有效空间来压缩搜索范围, 这样可以提高搜索效率和全局搜索能力。用短期
和长期禁忌列表存储器来保证算法能搜索到全局空间的每一点, 并且不重复搜索。经过验算和分析, 证明它是一种较好的
全局启发式搜索法-Tabu search method, the initial solution, neighborhood and tabu list size of the number of parameters such as have more stringent requirements, these parameters directly affect the ability to optimize the algorithm. This paper presents an improved tabu search method, it is used effectively to compress the search space, so that can improve search efficiency and global search capabilities. Short-term and long-term memory tabu list to ensure the algorithm to search to the global space, each point, and do not repeat the search. After checking and analysis, to prove that it is a good global heuristic search method
力。文章提出了一种改进的禁忌搜索法, 它用有效空间来压缩搜索范围, 这样可以提高搜索效率和全局搜索能力。用短期
和长期禁忌列表存储器来保证算法能搜索到全局空间的每一点, 并且不重复搜索。经过验算和分析, 证明它是一种较好的
全局启发式搜索法-Tabu search method, the initial solution, neighborhood and tabu list size of the number of parameters such as have more stringent requirements, these parameters directly affect the ability to optimize the algorithm. This paper presents an improved tabu search method, it is used effectively to compress the search space, so that can improve search efficiency and global search capabilities. Short-term and long-term memory tabu list to ensure the algorithm to search to the global space, each point, and do not repeat the search. After checking and analysis, to prove that it is a good global heuristic search method