一凸8 边形P 的顶点顺时针为{v1,v2,… ,v8},任意两顶点间的线段的权重由矩阵D 给出。
若vi 与vj 是P 上不相邻的两个顶点,则线段vivj 称为P 的一条弦。求P 的一个弦的集合T,
使得T 中所有的弦恰好将P 分割成互不重迭的三角形,且各三角形的权重之和为最小(一
个三角形的权重是其各边的权重之和)。-A convex 8-gon P, vertex clockwise of (v1, v2, ..., v8), any two vertices of the segment between the weight given by the matrix D. If vi and vj is the P is not adjacent to two vertices, then the line segment vivj known as P, a string. Seeking P, a set of strings T, makes the T all the strings just to P divided into non-overlapping triangles, and the weight of each triangle and for the minimum (the weight of a triangle is its weight of each side and) .
若vi 与vj 是P 上不相邻的两个顶点,则线段vivj 称为P 的一条弦。求P 的一个弦的集合T,
使得T 中所有的弦恰好将P 分割成互不重迭的三角形,且各三角形的权重之和为最小(一
个三角形的权重是其各边的权重之和)。-A convex 8-gon P, vertex clockwise of (v1, v2, ..., v8), any two vertices of the segment between the weight given by the matrix D. If vi and vj is the P is not adjacent to two vertices, then the line segment vivj known as P, a string. Seeking P, a set of strings T, makes the T all the strings just to P divided into non-overlapping triangles, and the weight of each triangle and for the minimum (the weight of a triangle is its weight of each side and) .