QQ installed SP (downloaded to the PC after installation). Mobile QQ to download and install the preservation of the local computer, keep a list of assumptions : F : \spqq\spqq.rar 2, spqq.rar codecs been spqq.cab 3 connected to a cell phone through USB数据线 will connect PC If successful, computer column in the task will be the icon ActiveSync synchronization software (If there is no icon that may be because you have not installed the software. Please download and install the software. )-QQ installed SP (downloaded to the PC after installation). Mobile QQ to download and install the preservation of the local computer, keep a list of assumptions : F : \spqq\spqq.rar 2, spqq.rar codecs been spqq.cab 3 connected to a cell phone through USB数据线 will connect PC If successful, computer column in the task will be the icon ActiveSync synchronization software (If there is no icon that may be because you have not installed the software. Please download and install the software. )
腾讯QQ2.0(SmartPhone 2003) - 用户手册.doc
腾讯QQ2.0(SmartPhone 2003) - 用户手册.doc