Generates and writes a set of synthetic seismic traces that are read by the
t_direct_decon.f90 code. The synthetic data is composed of 10 traces of
1000 samples, with a multiple of period p=200 samples, and reflection
coefficient c=-0.5. This periodic reflectivity is convolved with a
minimum-phase wavelet of 10 samples forming a synthetic trace that is
replicated 10 times to generate the input matrix. For the single-channel
example no noise is added to the synthetic data. For the multi-channel example
a little noise is added to prevent instability in the algorithm, once the
multi-channel algorithm fails because two or more channels are equal. The
input data matrix is stored in direct access format in the input_panel.dir
Main code, reads and deconvolves data stored in the input_panel.dir file.
The output is stored in direct access format in the deconvolved.dir file.
The input and output data are also stored in a ASCII format in the
in_out.dat file.-T_direct_decon is a Fortran 90 program for performing direct multichannel predictive deconvolution.
Generates and writes a set of synthetic seismic traces that are read by the
t_direct_decon.f90 code. The synthetic data is composed of 10 traces of
1000 samples, with a multiple of period p=200 samples, and reflection
coefficient c=-0.5. This periodic reflectivity is convolved with a
minimum-phase wavelet of 10 samples forming a synthetic trace that is
replicated 10 times to generate the input matrix. For the single-channel
example no noise is added to the synthetic data. For the multi-channel example
a little noise is added to prevent instability in the algorithm, once the
multi-channel algorithm fails because two or more channels are equal. The
input data matrix is stored in direct access format in the input_panel.dir
Main code, reads and deconvolves data stored in the input_panel.dir file.
The output is stored in direct access format in the deconvolved.dir file.
The input and output data are also stored in a ASCII format in the
in_out.dat file.-T_direct_decon is a Fortran 90 program for performing direct multichannel predictive deconvolution.