传输有线和无线通信系统。 10位DAC是一个CommsDAC成员
兼容的14 - ,12 - ,10 - ,和8位DAC。所有设备提供相同的接口选择,小外形封装和
引脚。该THS5651提供优越的AC和DC性能,同时支持更新率高达100 MSPS的。-The THS5651 is a 10-bit resolution digital-to-analog converter (DAC) specifically optimized for digital data
transmission in wired and wireless communication systems. The 10-bit DAC is a member of the CommsDAC
series of high-speed, low-power CMOS digital-to-analog converters. The CommsDAC family consists of pin
compatible 14-, 12-, 10-, and 8-bit DACs. All devices offer identical interface options, small outline package and
pinout. The THS5651 offers superior ac and dc performance while supporting update rates up to 100 MSPS.
传输有线和无线通信系统。 10位DAC是一个CommsDAC成员
兼容的14 - ,12 - ,10 - ,和8位DAC。所有设备提供相同的接口选择,小外形封装和
引脚。该THS5651提供优越的AC和DC性能,同时支持更新率高达100 MSPS的。-The THS5651 is a 10-bit resolution digital-to-analog converter (DAC) specifically optimized for digital data
transmission in wired and wireless communication systems. The 10-bit DAC is a member of the CommsDAC
series of high-speed, low-power CMOS digital-to-analog converters. The CommsDAC family consists of pin
compatible 14-, 12-, 10-, and 8-bit DACs. All devices offer identical interface options, small outline package and
pinout. The THS5651 offers superior ac and dc performance while supporting update rates up to 100 MSPS.
相关搜索: THS5651