The Synthetic PIC is a synthesizable VHDL descr iption of the basic
Microchip PIC 16C5X microcontroller. It is written in the ViewLogic
VHDL environment (Workview PLUS 5.2). It has successfully been
synthesized to the XC4000 family, although it is not particular to
XILINX. The intent of the model is to provide a starting point for
using the PIC architecture as a "core" for an FPGA, ASIC, etc.
This model does not attempt to emulate the PIC with absolute fidelity,
rather, it is a good starting point for spinning your own core.
-The Synthetic PIC is a synthesizable VHDL descr iption of the basic
Microchip PIC 16C5X microcontroller. It is written in the ViewLogic
VHDL environment (Workview PLUS 5.2). It has successfully been
synthesized to the XC4000 family, although it is not particular to
XILINX. The intent of the model is to provide a starting point for
using the PIC architecture as a "core" for an FPGA, ASIC, etc.
This model does not attempt to emulate the PIC with absolute fidelity,
rather, it is a good starting point for spinning your own core.
Microchip PIC 16C5X microcontroller. It is written in the ViewLogic
VHDL environment (Workview PLUS 5.2). It has successfully been
synthesized to the XC4000 family, although it is not particular to
XILINX. The intent of the model is to provide a starting point for
using the PIC architecture as a "core" for an FPGA, ASIC, etc.
This model does not attempt to emulate the PIC with absolute fidelity,
rather, it is a good starting point for spinning your own core.
-The Synthetic PIC is a synthesizable VHDL descr iption of the basic
Microchip PIC 16C5X microcontroller. It is written in the ViewLogic
VHDL environment (Workview PLUS 5.2). It has successfully been
synthesized to the XC4000 family, although it is not particular to
XILINX. The intent of the model is to provide a starting point for
using the PIC architecture as a "core" for an FPGA, ASIC, etc.
This model does not attempt to emulate the PIC with absolute fidelity,
rather, it is a good starting point for spinning your own core.