- 所属分类:
- 编译器/词法分析
- 资源属性:
- [PDF]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 291kb
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- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- think*****
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本手册页内容摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义.
除非有人自愿维护,否则本手册页不再更新.如果发现手册页和软件之间有所矛盾,请查对Info文件, Info文件是权威文档.
如果我们发觉本手册页的内容由于过时而导致明显的混乱和抱怨时,我们就停止发布它.不可能有其他选择,象更新Info文件同时更新man手册,因为其他维护GNU CC的工作没有留给我们时间做这个. GNU工程认为man手册是过时产物,应该把时间用到别的地方.-This manual page is an excerpt from the complete GNU C compiler, documentation is limited to explain the meaning of the options. Unless there is a voluntary maintenance, otherwise the pages of this manual is no longer updated. If it is found between the manual pages and software have conflicts, please check Info files, Info file is the authoritative document. If we find that the contents of this manual page marked as obsolete a result of the confusion and complaints, we will stop publishing it. there can be no other options, such as update the Info files at the same time update the man manual, because the other the work of maintaining GNU CC leaves us no time to do this. GNU project that the manual is outdated product of man, should take the time to use elsewhere.
除非有人自愿维护,否则本手册页不再更新.如果发现手册页和软件之间有所矛盾,请查对Info文件, Info文件是权威文档.
如果我们发觉本手册页的内容由于过时而导致明显的混乱和抱怨时,我们就停止发布它.不可能有其他选择,象更新Info文件同时更新man手册,因为其他维护GNU CC的工作没有留给我们时间做这个. GNU工程认为man手册是过时产物,应该把时间用到别的地方.-This manual page is an excerpt from the complete GNU C compiler, documentation is limited to explain the meaning of the options. Unless there is a voluntary maintenance, otherwise the pages of this manual is no longer updated. If it is found between the manual pages and software have conflicts, please check Info files, Info file is the authoritative document. If we find that the contents of this manual page marked as obsolete a result of the confusion and complaints, we will stop publishing it. there can be no other options, such as update the Info files at the same time update the man manual, because the other the work of maintaining GNU CC leaves us no time to do this. GNU project that the manual is outdated product of man, should take the time to use elsewhere.