The directory listing scr ipt is designed for ease. You do not have to have any programming knowledge, any design knowledge, or even any web knowledge whatsoever. This scr ipt will take everything in your directory and display the folders in their own little section at the top of the page, it will then display any files with a corresponding file image that represents the file type next to it, it will then take any images inside of the scr ipt and display a thumbnailed image. Along with the folders, files, and images there will be useful information that represents the amount of files and folders inside a folder, the size of a file in kbs, the date the folder or file was last modified, the size of the image in kbs, the dimensions of the image, and the most awesome feature of all. A link to this link that will display a variety of linking formats for your linking pleasure. Also, has a sort feature that sorts by size, date, and name! Descending and ascending!