网络在计算机世界里,越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。在WINDOWS应用程序中,处理实时通讯最常用到的还是MICROSOFT公司提供的WINSOCK控件。许多资料都细述了WINSOCK 在VB中的使用方法,就连WINDOWS本身提供的hlp文件也是针对VB而写的。笔者因为实际应用的需要,琢磨出了WINSOCK控件在PB中的应用方法。好东西不敢独自享用,拿出来与大家共享。 -With the resource sharing and real-time communications needs, many computer applications, bypassing the one-man operation has long been the model into joint action. Network in the computer world, are increasingly playing an important role. In the WINDOWS application, deal with the most commonly used real-time communication, or MICROSOFT provided WINSOCK control. Much of the information detailed in the WINSOCK in use in VB, even WINDOWS itself for the hlp file is written by VB. Since the actual application I need to figure out the WINSOCK control in the PB in the application method. Can not enjoy the good things alone come up with to share with you.
网络在计算机世界里,越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。在WINDOWS应用程序中,处理实时通讯最常用到的还是MICROSOFT公司提供的WINSOCK控件。许多资料都细述了WINSOCK 在VB中的使用方法,就连WINDOWS本身提供的hlp文件也是针对VB而写的。笔者因为实际应用的需要,琢磨出了WINSOCK控件在PB中的应用方法。好东西不敢独自享用,拿出来与大家共享。 -With the resource sharing and real-time communications needs, many computer applications, bypassing the one-man operation has long been the model into joint action. Network in the computer world, are increasingly playing an important role. In the WINDOWS application, deal with the most commonly used real-time communication, or MICROSOFT provided WINSOCK control. Much of the information detailed in the WINSOCK in use in VB, even WINDOWS itself for the hlp file is written by VB. Since the actual application I need to figure out the WINSOCK control in the PB in the application method. Can not enjoy the good things alone come up with to share with you.