本书非常适合熟悉Windows应用编程的读者转向驱动开发。所有的内容都从最基础的编程方法入手。介绍相关的内核API,然后举出示范的例子。这本书只有不到70页,是一本非常精简的小册子。所以它并不直接指导读者开发某种特定类型的驱动程序。而是起到一个入门指导的作用。-This book is very familiar with the Windows application programming for the development of readers turn to drive. All of the content of the programming from the most basic way to start. Introduced related to the kernel API, and then cited the example of the model. This book is less than 70, is a very concise booklet. So it does not directly guide the reader to develop a particular type of driver. Entry but has played a guiding role.