运行AVR Studio 4.11后,AVR汇编器2 (AVRASM2) 作为AVR默认的汇编器。 AVRASM2拥有许多新特性,并且向下兼容AVRASM。 老版本的汇编器仍然保留在AVR Studio中,但是不再对它进行更新和维护(也就是说,老版本的汇编器不支持新增器件)。
-AVR Studio 4.11 after the operation, AVR Assembler 2 (AVRASM2) as the default AVR assembler. AVRASM2 has many new features and backward compatibility AVRASM. The old version of the assembler is still retained in the AVR Studio, but it is no longer updating and maintenance (that is, the old version of the assembler does not support the new device).
-AVR Studio 4.11 after the operation, AVR Assembler 2 (AVRASM2) as the default AVR assembler. AVRASM2 has many new features and backward compatibility AVRASM. The old version of the assembler is still retained in the AVR Studio, but it is no longer updating and maintenance (that is, the old version of the assembler does not support the new device).