拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)算法来解皇后控制问题的解题报告和源代码。问题描述:在一个n×n个方格组成的棋盘上的任一方格中放置一个皇后,该皇后可以控制他所在的行,列以及对角线上的所有方格。对于给定的自然数n,在n×n个方格组成的棋盘上最少要放置多少个皇后才能控制棋盘上的所有方格,且放置的皇后互不攻击?
设计一个拉斯维加斯算法, 对于给定的自然数n (1≤n≤100)计算在n×n个方格组成的棋盘上最少要放置多少个皇后才能控制棋盘上的所有方格,且放置的皇后互不攻击。
-Las Vegas (Las Vegas) algorithm to solve the problem-solving control problems Queen' s report and the source code. Problem Descr iption: In an n × n board, composed of a grid on the grid in any place a Queen, the Queen' s where he can control the rows, columns, as well as all the diagonal grid. For a given natural number n, the n × n board, composed of a grid to place at least the number of Queen' s board to control all the grid, and the Queen' s place to attack each other? The design of a Las Vegas algorithm, for a given natural number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100) in the n × n board, composed of a grid to place at least the number of Queen' s board to control all the grid, and the Queen' s place to attack each other.
设计一个拉斯维加斯算法, 对于给定的自然数n (1≤n≤100)计算在n×n个方格组成的棋盘上最少要放置多少个皇后才能控制棋盘上的所有方格,且放置的皇后互不攻击。
-Las Vegas (Las Vegas) algorithm to solve the problem-solving control problems Queen' s report and the source code. Problem Descr iption: In an n × n board, composed of a grid on the grid in any place a Queen, the Queen' s where he can control the rows, columns, as well as all the diagonal grid. For a given natural number n, the n × n board, composed of a grid to place at least the number of Queen' s board to control all the grid, and the Queen' s place to attack each other? The design of a Las Vegas algorithm, for a given natural number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100) in the n × n board, composed of a grid to place at least the number of Queen' s board to control all the grid, and the Queen' s place to attack each other.