-CPLD based on the VHDL language digital clock (with stopwatch) design using a chip can be completed in addition to the clock source, buttons, speakers and display (LED) in addition to all functions of digital circuits. All digital logic functions are used in the CPLD device VHDL language. This design has a small and short design cycle (design process to achieve timing simulation), to facilitate debugging, fault rate is low and easy to modify the characteristics of the upgrade. The design uses a top-down, mixed input (input schematic- top-level file access and VHDL language input- the module program design) Design of digital clock, download and debug.
-CPLD based on the VHDL language digital clock (with stopwatch) design using a chip can be completed in addition to the clock source, buttons, speakers and display (LED) in addition to all functions of digital circuits. All digital logic functions are used in the CPLD device VHDL language. This design has a small and short design cycle (design process to achieve timing simulation), to facilitate debugging, fault rate is low and easy to modify the characteristics of the upgrade. The design uses a top-down, mixed input (input schematic- top-level file access and VHDL language input- the module program design) Design of digital clock, download and debug.