Prawn is a simple eight-bit microprocessor based on the sample processor described in Chapter 9 of "VHDL : Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems"by Z. Navabi, McGraw-Hill,Inc. 1993. We have added some features such as interrupt, stack and some conditions for conditional branch to the example in the book.
-Prawn is a simple eight-bit microprocessor based on the sample processor described in Chapter 9 of "VHDL : Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems"by Z. Navabi, McGraw-Hill,Inc. 1993. We have added some features such as interrupt, stack and some conditions for conditional branch to the example in the book.
-Prawn is a simple eight-bit microprocessor based on the sample processor described in Chapter 9 of "VHDL : Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems"by Z. Navabi, McGraw-Hill,Inc. 1993. We have added some features such as interrupt, stack and some conditions for conditional branch to the example in the book.