根据数据结构的思想,利用C语言设计游戏七彩连珠。在9X9的棋盘方格内,将五个及五个以上的同颜色的彩球连成直线(横、竖、对角均可),则彩球消失并得分;游戏开始在棋盘内随机出现五个颜色随机的彩球,在玩家每次移动一个球后,随机的出现3个颜色随机的球,至少存在一条可通路径,彩球方可被移动,直到棋盘被球填满,游戏结束。-Data structure in accordance with the idea of game design using C language Lianzhu colorful. 9X9 grid in the chessboard will be more than five and five of the same color as the ball even a straight line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal may be), the ball disappeared, and scores game board began to appear in five random ball of random color, moving in a ball for each player, the random appearance of the three color random ball, at least one can pass the path before a ball was moving the ball until the board has been filled, the end game.