1. 本程序的功能包括单通讯录链表的建立,通讯录的插入,通讯者的删除,通讯者的查询,通讯录表的输出,通讯者人数的统计以及按通讯者编号排序等。
2. 程序运行后显现提示信息,等候用户输入0—7以进入相应的操作功能。
3. 用户输入数据完毕,程序将输出运行结束。
4. 测试数据应为通讯者的编号、姓名、性别、联系电话、地址。
-1. This procedure include the establishment of a single contact list, address book insert, delete the communication, communication of those inquiries, contact sheet output, communications, statistics on the number of persons as well as the sort of communication, such as those numbers. 2. Program message after the show, waiting for user input 0-7 to enter the corresponding functions of the operation. 3. Completion of user input data, the program will run the end of the output. 4. Test data communications should be the number, name, gender, contact telephone number, address.
2. 程序运行后显现提示信息,等候用户输入0—7以进入相应的操作功能。
3. 用户输入数据完毕,程序将输出运行结束。
4. 测试数据应为通讯者的编号、姓名、性别、联系电话、地址。
-1. This procedure include the establishment of a single contact list, address book insert, delete the communication, communication of those inquiries, contact sheet output, communications, statistics on the number of persons as well as the sort of communication, such as those numbers. 2. Program message after the show, waiting for user input 0-7 to enter the corresponding functions of the operation. 3. Completion of user input data, the program will run the end of the output. 4. Test data communications should be the number, name, gender, contact telephone number, address.
数据结构课程设计报告 [文档在线提供]