这个程序开发语言是C++,它安装之后,可以在IE状态栏上增加你的应用程序图标(它可以是XP的Theme风格),当你选择菜单中的Unmask Passwords后,网页中任何的密码输入框中的密码都会以明文方式显示出来。
-This article demonstrates how to add a Status Bar pane to Internet Explorer Window, and then how to use it for managing Web page password fields. This article shows how to add a status bar pane using subclassing tricks. First, find and subclass Status Bar window and create a pane window (as a STATIC control). Next, choose any existing pane, resize it for inserting a new one, and place the pane window over the existing pane where desired. A new status pane should be drawn and themed (for XP or Vista) exactly as any typical pane, and mouse clicks should be handled to prevent notifications from the native pane behind.
-This article demonstrates how to add a Status Bar pane to Internet Explorer Window, and then how to use it for managing Web page password fields. This article shows how to add a status bar pane using subclassing tricks. First, find and subclass Status Bar window and create a pane window (as a STATIC control). Next, choose any existing pane, resize it for inserting a new one, and place the pane window over the existing pane where desired. A new status pane should be drawn and themed (for XP or Vista) exactly as any typical pane, and mouse clicks should be handled to prevent notifications from the native pane behind.