程序所在目录:ex3_LED 打开CC2000,进行如下操作:
1. Project->Open ,打开该目录中的工程文件。
2. Project->Rebuild ALL, 编译链接
3. File->Load Program
4. Debug->GO Main
5. Debug->RUN (快捷键F5) 可以看到的现象为:最边上一个LED 不断闪烁(这个LED 在后面其他的程序中都被定义成在定时器中断中闪烁)。其余的4 个LED 均处于熄灭状态。
现在将按键轻按一下,只有LED1 闪烁;
按第二下,只有LED2 闪烁;
按第三下,只有LED3 闪烁;
按第四下,只有LED4 闪烁;
按第五下,四个LED 循环依次闪烁。
-Procedures where the directory: ex3_LED open the CC2000, the following steps:
1. Project-> Open, open the project file directory.
2. Project-> Rebuild ALL, the compiler links
3. File-> Load Program
4. Debug-> GO Main
5. Debug-> RUN (shortcut F5) to see the situation as follows: the edge of a constantly blinking LED (the LED behind the other procedures have been defined as the timer interrupt in the flicker). The remaining four are in extinguished LED status.
Touch of the button click will now only LED1 flashes
By the second, only LED2 flashes
By the third, only LED3 flashes
According to the fourth, only LED4 scintillation
By the fifth, the four LED blinking cycle followed.
If the button, then this cycle repeated.
1. Project->Open ,打开该目录中的工程文件。
2. Project->Rebuild ALL, 编译链接
3. File->Load Program
4. Debug->GO Main
5. Debug->RUN (快捷键F5) 可以看到的现象为:最边上一个LED 不断闪烁(这个LED 在后面其他的程序中都被定义成在定时器中断中闪烁)。其余的4 个LED 均处于熄灭状态。
现在将按键轻按一下,只有LED1 闪烁;
按第二下,只有LED2 闪烁;
按第三下,只有LED3 闪烁;
按第四下,只有LED4 闪烁;
按第五下,四个LED 循环依次闪烁。
-Procedures where the directory: ex3_LED open the CC2000, the following steps:
1. Project-> Open, open the project file directory.
2. Project-> Rebuild ALL, the compiler links
3. File-> Load Program
4. Debug-> GO Main
5. Debug-> RUN (shortcut F5) to see the situation as follows: the edge of a constantly blinking LED (the LED behind the other procedures have been defined as the timer interrupt in the flicker). The remaining four are in extinguished LED status.
Touch of the button click will now only LED1 flashes
By the second, only LED2 flashes
By the third, only LED3 flashes
According to the fourth, only LED4 scintillation
By the fifth, the four LED blinking cycle followed.
If the button, then this cycle repeated.