本汽车远近光灯智能控制系统分为远光灯和近光灯光强检测部分、汽车环境光强检测并自动调光部分、时钟检测智能开启灯光部分、液晶显示远近光灯亮灭情况部分、主动按键自由控制部分。整个系统主要以模拟电路为主,配合数字电路控制,全系统通过AT89S52单片机进行全局控制,利用光敏电阻进行可靠的可见光光强检测。通过论证,本系统能够很好地实现汽车的灯光亮度调节和远近光灯的转换。-The Auto Distance Headlight Automatic Monitoring Electrical System
Chen Jieming Fang Zhenrong Liu Weiping
(Class (2) Grade2006 Applied Electric Technology Guangdong Construction Vocational Technological College)
Abstract: The auto distance headlight automatic monitoring electrical system can be divided into long-and-short distance light force monitoring part, auto environment light force automatic monitoring part, clock monitoring automatic power-on part, liquid crystal displaying long and short distance light on-and-off part, active automatic pressing controlling part. The whole system is focused on analogous circuit and accompanied with digital circuit monitoring. The system controls the whole condition through 51MCU and detects the visible light force brightness by photoresistor reliably. Based on demonstrations, the system can perform auto light force adjustment and long and short distance light transferring.
Chen Jieming Fang Zhenrong Liu Weiping
(Class (2) Grade2006 Applied Electric Technology Guangdong Construction Vocational Technological College)
Abstract: The auto distance headlight automatic monitoring electrical system can be divided into long-and-short distance light force monitoring part, auto environment light force automatic monitoring part, clock monitoring automatic power-on part, liquid crystal displaying long and short distance light on-and-off part, active automatic pressing controlling part. The whole system is focused on analogous circuit and accompanied with digital circuit monitoring. The system controls the whole condition through 51MCU and detects the visible light force brightness by photoresistor reliably. Based on demonstrations, the system can perform auto light force adjustment and long and short distance light transferring.