本设计使用ARM2138开发板作为主控制模块,利用简单的外围电路来驱动16*64的点阵LED显示屏。利用ARM本身强大的功能和大容量的内部存储,可以很方便的实现ARM与PC机和SD卡等外围存储设备的数据传输,并能利用软件方便的进行显示内容的多样变化,另一方面点阵显示屏广泛的应用于医院、机场、银行等公共场所,所以本设计具有很强的现实应用性。-Designed to use the ARM2138 development board as the main control module, using simple external circuit to drive the 16* 64 dot matrix LED display. ARM itself using powerful features and high-capacity internal storage, can easily achieve the ARM with the PC and peripherals such as SD card data storage devices, and can use software to facilitate the display of diverse content changes, on the other hand, points matrix display used in a wide range of hospital, airports, banks and other public places, so the design of practical application.