Small RTOS是一个源代码公开的多任务实时操作系统,Small RTOS 51
是其在8051系列处理器上的移植(使用keil c51)。Small RTOS可以简化那
些复杂而且时间要求严格的工程的软件设计工作.本手册主要讲述Small RTOS
Small RTOS的移植。
-Small RTOS is an open source multi-task real-time operating system, Small RTOS 51 are in the 8051 series of processors on the transplant (using keil c51). Small RTOS can simplify those complex and time-critical software engineering design work. This manual focuses on the use of Small RTOS, the note in the 8051 series of processors on the use of problem should be noted. At the same time about the Small RTOS transplant.
是其在8051系列处理器上的移植(使用keil c51)。Small RTOS可以简化那
些复杂而且时间要求严格的工程的软件设计工作.本手册主要讲述Small RTOS
Small RTOS的移植。
-Small RTOS is an open source multi-task real-time operating system, Small RTOS 51 are in the 8051 series of processors on the transplant (using keil c51). Small RTOS can simplify those complex and time-critical software engineering design work. This manual focuses on the use of Small RTOS, the note in the 8051 series of processors on the use of problem should be noted. At the same time about the Small RTOS transplant.
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