该PDF论文为TimBailey所著,为其博士论文,详细介绍了EKFSLAM,FASTSLAM1.0,FASTSLAM2.0的相同点和不同点以及优劣。-This thesis addresses the issues of scale for practical implementations of simultaneous localisation
and mapping [SLAM] in extensive outdoor environments. Building an incremental
map while also using it for localisation is of prime importance for mobile robot navigation
but, until recently, has been confined to small-scale, mostly indoor, environments. The
critical problems for large-scale implementations are as follows.
and mapping [SLAM] in extensive outdoor environments. Building an incremental
map while also using it for localisation is of prime importance for mobile robot navigation
but, until recently, has been confined to small-scale, mostly indoor, environments. The
critical problems for large-scale implementations are as follows.