用VHDL 语言设计交通灯控制系统, 并在MAX+PLUS II 系统对FPGA/ CPLD 芯片进行下载, 由于生成的是集成化的数字电
路, 没有传统设计中的接线问题, 所以故障率低、可靠性高, 而且体积小。体现了EDA 技术在数字电路设计中的优越性。-The design method of traffic light control system by using Very- High- Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descr iption Language
(VHDL) is introduced, and the downloading of the controller design to the FPGA/ CPLD chip in MAX+PLUS II is fulfilled. As FPGA/ CPLD
chips are based on large scale IC and there are no connection problems in the presented circuit, so the chips are re1iable and faults are less prone
to happen, which shows the advantages of the EDA technology in digital circuits design.
路, 没有传统设计中的接线问题, 所以故障率低、可靠性高, 而且体积小。体现了EDA 技术在数字电路设计中的优越性。-The design method of traffic light control system by using Very- High- Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descr iption Language
(VHDL) is introduced, and the downloading of the controller design to the FPGA/ CPLD chip in MAX+PLUS II is fulfilled. As FPGA/ CPLD
chips are based on large scale IC and there are no connection problems in the presented circuit, so the chips are re1iable and faults are less prone
to happen, which shows the advantages of the EDA technology in digital circuits design.