1). 用红、绿、黄三色发光二极管作信号灯。主干道为东西向,有红、绿、黄三个灯;支干道为南北向,也有红、绿、黄三个灯。红灯亮禁止通行;绿灯亮允许通行;黄灯亮则给行驶中的车辆有时间停靠到禁行线之外。
3). 能实现正常的、即时显示功能。用DE2上的四个七段数码管作为倒计时显示器。分别显示东西、南北方向的红灯、绿灯、黄灯时间。
-1). With red, green, yellow three-color light-emitting diodes for lights. For the east-west trunk road, has red, green, yellow three lights support for the north-south trunk road, there are red, green, yellow three lights. Red light curfew green permit passage yellow light is to the moving vehicles have the time of call to cut outside the lane.
2). Because of the trunk road vehicles more vehicles and less trunk extension, so a longer green time of a main road. When the main road access permit a green light when the trunk road red sticks. Permit access roads and support a green light when the trunk road red, the two alternating repetition. Allowed 50 seconds for each trunk, branch trunk release each 30 seconds.
At each green light into red by the conversion process between the need for five seconds of yellow light as a transitional measure to enable the moving vehicles have the time of call to ban outside lane.
3). To achieve a normal, real-time display. Using DE2 four seventh
3). 能实现正常的、即时显示功能。用DE2上的四个七段数码管作为倒计时显示器。分别显示东西、南北方向的红灯、绿灯、黄灯时间。
-1). With red, green, yellow three-color light-emitting diodes for lights. For the east-west trunk road, has red, green, yellow three lights support for the north-south trunk road, there are red, green, yellow three lights. Red light curfew green permit passage yellow light is to the moving vehicles have the time of call to cut outside the lane.
2). Because of the trunk road vehicles more vehicles and less trunk extension, so a longer green time of a main road. When the main road access permit a green light when the trunk road red sticks. Permit access roads and support a green light when the trunk road red, the two alternating repetition. Allowed 50 seconds for each trunk, branch trunk release each 30 seconds.
At each green light into red by the conversion process between the need for five seconds of yellow light as a transitional measure to enable the moving vehicles have the time of call to ban outside lane.
3). To achieve a normal, real-time display. Using DE2 four seventh