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Computer security is undeniably important, and as new vulnerabilities are discovered and

exploited, the perceived need for new security solutions grows. "Trusted computing"

initiatives propose to solve some of today s security problems through hardware changes

to the personal computer. Changing hardware design isn t inherently suspicious, but the

leading trusted computing proposals have a high cost: they provide security to users

while giving third parties the power to enforce policies on users computers against the

users wishes -- they let others pressure you to hand some control over your PC to

someone else. This is a "feature" ready-made for abuse by software authors who want to

anticompetitively choke off rival software.

It needn t be this way: a straightforward change to the plans of trusted computing vendors

could leave the security benefits intact while ensuring that a PC owner s-IntroductionComputer security is undeniably important, and as new vulnerabilities are discovered andexploited, the perceived need for new security solutions grows. Trusted computing initiatives propose to solve some of today s security problems through hardware changesto the personal computer. Changing hardware design isn t inherently suspicious, but theleading trusted computing proposals have a high cost: they provide security to userswhile giving third parties the power to enforce policies on users computers against theusers wishes- they let others pressure you to hand some control over your PC tosomeone else. This is a feature ready-made for abuse by software authors who want toanticompetitively choke off rival software.It needn t be this way: a straightforward change to the plans of trusted computing vendorscould leave the security benefits intact while ensuring that a PC owner s




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