Phase noise resulting in Common Phase Error
(CPE) and Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) is a critical challenge
to the implementation of OFDM systems. Modeling phase noise
as a stationary Gaussian random process with the specified
power spectrum density, different from conventional approaches
which mostly relay on pilots to provide CPE estimation, we
explore the statistical characteristics of the sufficient statistics
then propose a pilot-aided decision-directed approach according
to maximum-likelihood criterion. Numerical results demonstrate
that the proposed algorithm enjoys 2dB gain at moderate SNR
and is quite robust against possible model mismatch
(CPE) and Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) is a critical challenge
to the implementation of OFDM systems. Modeling phase noise
as a stationary Gaussian random process with the specified
power spectrum density, different from conventional approaches
which mostly relay on pilots to provide CPE estimation, we
explore the statistical characteristics of the sufficient statistics
then propose a pilot-aided decision-directed approach according
to maximum-likelihood criterion. Numerical results demonstrate
that the proposed algorithm enjoys 2dB gain at moderate SNR
and is quite robust against possible model mismatch
Way forward on Type II relay draft 1.ppt