这个程序是一个基于对话框的程序,有一个简单的菜单.当用户选择"connect"时,它将试图连接test.mdb数据库,如果连接成功,将显示由ODBC驱动程序返回的完整连接字符串.接下来,用户可选择"View All Records"命令,程序会使用listview control来显示数据库中的所有数据.用户还可以选择"Query"命令来查询特定的记录.例子程序将会显示一个小对话框提示用户输入想找的人名.当用户按下OK钮或回车键,程序将执行一个查询来查找符合条件的记录.当用户完成对数据库的操作时,可以选择"disconnect"命令与数据库断开连接.
-This procedure is a procedure based on the dialog box, there is a simple menu. When the user choose to " connect" , it attempts to connect to the database test.mdb, if connected, will be shown by the ODBC driver to return to the full connection string. Next, the user can choose " View All Records" command, the program will use the listview control to display all the data in the database. Users can also select " Query" command to query specific records. examples of the procedures will show a small dialog box prompt user input to find the names. When the user press the OK button or the Enter key, the program will be the implementation of a query to find records in line with the conditions. When a user completes the operation of the database, you can choose " disconnect" command with a database disconnect .
-This procedure is a procedure based on the dialog box, there is a simple menu. When the user choose to " connect" , it attempts to connect to the database test.mdb, if connected, will be shown by the ODBC driver to return to the full connection string. Next, the user can choose " View All Records" command, the program will use the listview control to display all the data in the database. Users can also select " Query" command to query specific records. examples of the procedures will show a small dialog box prompt user input to find the names. When the user press the OK button or the Enter key, the program will be the implementation of a query to find records in line with the conditions. When a user completes the operation of the database, you can choose " disconnect" command with a database disconnect .