( 从太原市公交查询系统建立的必要性出发, 进行了公交查询算法的研究, 主要探讨了包括最短路径查
询及最少花费查询及数据库管理的公交查询系统的实现。 该系统采用了V ISU AL BA S IC 610 为开发工具,
M ICRO SO FT A CCESS2003 为后台数据库, 开发了基于太原市公交线路的公交查询系统。具有线路查询、换乘
查询、 站点查询、 数据管理等一系列功能。
-(From the city bus system the need for inquiry, carrying out a public inquiry method of research, focused on the shortest path, including at least inquiries and inquiries and database management to spend the public inquiries system. The system uses a V ISU AL BA S IC 610 for the development of tools, M ICRO SO FT A CCESS2003 as the background database, developed based on the city' s public transportation bus lines inquiry system. with line inquiries, transfer information, site information, a series of functions such as data management.
询及最少花费查询及数据库管理的公交查询系统的实现。 该系统采用了V ISU AL BA S IC 610 为开发工具,
M ICRO SO FT A CCESS2003 为后台数据库, 开发了基于太原市公交线路的公交查询系统。具有线路查询、换乘
查询、 站点查询、 数据管理等一系列功能。
-(From the city bus system the need for inquiry, carrying out a public inquiry method of research, focused on the shortest path, including at least inquiries and inquiries and database management to spend the public inquiries system. The system uses a V ISU AL BA S IC 610 for the development of tools, M ICRO SO FT A CCESS2003 as the background database, developed based on the city' s public transportation bus lines inquiry system. with line inquiries, transfer information, site information, a series of functions such as data management.