本论文共分为七部分。第一章从现代电子技术的发展揭示密码学在科学领域中的重要性,从而说明选此课题作为毕业设计的原因。第二章讲述了密码学的基础知识。第三章是本文的重点,以DES历史回顾为起点,逐一揭示DES算法原理,并按密钥生成、DES加密、DES解密的次序,利用java语言实现DES的加密与解密代码的设计。第四章对窗体界面作简要的介绍,说明本演示器的工作过程。第五章对DES存在的安全性进行分析及可行的解决方案。第六章对DES的工作模式进行简要的介绍。第七章举例对代码进行测试,看是否符合标准的DES加密和解密。- The information technology rapid development, caused people’s life appearance to have the very big change, simultaneously the information technology also promoted society development. In the computer network thorough popularization information time, information itself is the time, is the wealth. How protects the information security to cause it not to be stole and as for not to tamper with or destruction, has become the major issue which now generally pays attention . The password is useful and effectible method.
This article mainly introduces the DES encryption and decipher algorithm java language realization, three aspects elaborated from key fresh、the encryption principle DES、the decryption principle DES algorithm entire has worked. And in this foundation, in windows environment, realizes the encryption and decryption algorithm using java, completes a local document by the window contact surface way to add the decipher demonstration.
The article divides into seven to blow. Fi
本论文共分为七部分。第一章从现代电子技术的发展揭示密码学在科学领域中的重要性,从而说明选此课题作为毕业设计的原因。第二章讲述了密码学的基础知识。第三章是本文的重点,以DES历史回顾为起点,逐一揭示DES算法原理,并按密钥生成、DES加密、DES解密的次序,利用java语言实现DES的加密与解密代码的设计。第四章对窗体界面作简要的介绍,说明本演示器的工作过程。第五章对DES存在的安全性进行分析及可行的解决方案。第六章对DES的工作模式进行简要的介绍。第七章举例对代码进行测试,看是否符合标准的DES加密和解密。- The information technology rapid development, caused people’s life appearance to have the very big change, simultaneously the information technology also promoted society development. In the computer network thorough popularization information time, information itself is the time, is the wealth. How protects the information security to cause it not to be stole and as for not to tamper with or destruction, has become the major issue which now generally pays attention . The password is useful and effectible method.
This article mainly introduces the DES encryption and decipher algorithm java language realization, three aspects elaborated from key fresh、the encryption principle DES、the decryption principle DES algorithm entire has worked. And in this foundation, in windows environment, realizes the encryption and decryption algorithm using java, completes a local document by the window contact surface way to add the decipher demonstration.
The article divides into seven to blow. Fi
相关搜索: 密码学