早上穿好衣服出门后发现天气太冷或太热,或者外面刮着大风,你不得不回来增减衣服,抑或默默忍受着,你有没有过类似的经历呢? 由于在室内特别是在早上起床穿衣服前我们无法得知室外的实际温度和风速,所以我们不能确定最合适出门的着装,造成许多不便,本项目将致力于解决这一问题。本装置有两个部分,室外部分主要由传感器和无线信号发射器组成。室内的部分接受信号并将具体温度与风速显示在LED显示器上。在实现功能后我们将努力使室内部分小型化并且美观,这样便可以放在床头,每天醒来便能知室外冷暖,出门便给自己带来一份自信。- The Olympic halo did not last long. With the financial crisis the global economy continues to be worse, and China s tourism industry was affected. The National Tourism Administration data shows that in this year, 1-9 months, the number of Chinese inbound tourist fell by 0.37 percent compared with last year. In September, it fell by 5.94 percent.
Global economic recession is the main reason
According to the practice, September and October are the pinnacle time of the home tourism. But it is somewhat an exception this year, the global financial crisis continues to be worse and the number of Chinese arrivals dropped sharply in September. Since the September the number of inbound tourism has dropped by nearly 6 percent.
Comfort Travel Agency said they expected there will be a blowout in inbound tourism market after the Olympics. But the result is much worse than before. Not only the number of overseas tourists greatly reduced, but also the individual Walks. At the same time
Global economic recession is the main reason
According to the practice, September and October are the pinnacle time of the home tourism. But it is somewhat an exception this year, the global financial crisis continues to be worse and the number of Chinese arrivals dropped sharply in September. Since the September the number of inbound tourism has dropped by nearly 6 percent.
Comfort Travel Agency said they expected there will be a blowout in inbound tourism market after the Olympics. But the result is much worse than before. Not only the number of overseas tourists greatly reduced, but also the individual Walks. At the same time