考虑到程序的一般结构,这里将气动计算系统分为三大模块:输入模块、气动计算模块以及结果输出模块。考虑到本系统的特殊性,又将输入模块划分为初始数据输入模块、导弹外形参数模块以及插值数据库模块,并采用M文件格式编制;气动计算模块则采用了子系统的结构形式,并用Simulink 模块编制;结果输出模块则是采用M文件的形式将气动计算模块得到的结果输出到工作区间并将数据结果绘制成曲线。最后,为了运行的方便,编制了一个名为Start_file.m的M文件,按流程依次调用编写的所有程序,在运行此程序时,只需将所有程序加载于“Current Directory”指定的文件夹中(即路径的设定),并在“Command Window”中输入“Start_file”即可。
(导弹气动计算程序)-This procedure for the development environment MATLAB6.5 version, the proceedings shall be made to run in this environment. Due to the discreteness of the aerodynamic model, and used a lot of experience in engineering calculation formula and experimental data, it would be more complicated programming, in order to facilitate a clear reading procedure, the procedure used in the preparation of the following ideas:
Procedures, taking into account the general structure of computing systems here will be divided into three pneumatic modules: input module, pneumatic calculation module, as well as the results of the output module. Taking into account the specificity of the system, will enter the module is divided into the initial data input module, the missile shape parameter interpolation module and database module, and the use of M file format aerodynamic calculation module uses the structure subsystem, and the preparation of Simulink module the results of output module is used in the for
考虑到程序的一般结构,这里将气动计算系统分为三大模块:输入模块、气动计算模块以及结果输出模块。考虑到本系统的特殊性,又将输入模块划分为初始数据输入模块、导弹外形参数模块以及插值数据库模块,并采用M文件格式编制;气动计算模块则采用了子系统的结构形式,并用Simulink 模块编制;结果输出模块则是采用M文件的形式将气动计算模块得到的结果输出到工作区间并将数据结果绘制成曲线。最后,为了运行的方便,编制了一个名为Start_file.m的M文件,按流程依次调用编写的所有程序,在运行此程序时,只需将所有程序加载于“Current Directory”指定的文件夹中(即路径的设定),并在“Command Window”中输入“Start_file”即可。
(导弹气动计算程序)-This procedure for the development environment MATLAB6.5 version, the proceedings shall be made to run in this environment. Due to the discreteness of the aerodynamic model, and used a lot of experience in engineering calculation formula and experimental data, it would be more complicated programming, in order to facilitate a clear reading procedure, the procedure used in the preparation of the following ideas:
Procedures, taking into account the general structure of computing systems here will be divided into three pneumatic modules: input module, pneumatic calculation module, as well as the results of the output module. Taking into account the specificity of the system, will enter the module is divided into the initial data input module, the missile shape parameter interpolation module and database module, and the use of M file format aerodynamic calculation module uses the structure subsystem, and the preparation of Simulink module the results of output module is used in the for