巨大的数据量使显示速度成为制约普及和网络化的重要因素,文章结合4(5’公司的607(84空间数据引擎,提出了一种利用分级技术提高矢量图显示速度的方案,并讨论了几种插值算法在这一应用中的优缺点。- W ith the ant colony algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP) as a prototype, a simpli-
fied algorithm was developedwhich considered a capacity-constrained vehicle routing problem as several independent
TSPswith the depotserving as one of the cities in eachTSP. Pheromone updatewas analyzed and itwas found in the
searching process tha,t if the current solution is bestof all so far, then increase of the pheromone of the path found by the elitist ants further improves the solution and speed up the convergence. Moreover, allowingmore degree of
freedom at the initial stage results in better solution. Experimental results show that the simplified algorithm can efficiently find a satisfactory solution, with an error ofnomore than 1·5 of the optimal one.
fied algorithm was developedwhich considered a capacity-constrained vehicle routing problem as several independent
TSPswith the depotserving as one of the cities in eachTSP. Pheromone updatewas analyzed and itwas found in the
searching process tha,t if the current solution is bestof all so far, then increase of the pheromone of the path found by the elitist ants further improves the solution and speed up the convergence. Moreover, allowingmore degree of
freedom at the initial stage results in better solution. Experimental results show that the simplified algorithm can efficiently find a satisfactory solution, with an error ofnomore than 1·5 of the optimal one.