P2fr a mework是一个开源项目。这是一个高效率的平台,使分布式系统的开发变得更加容易。通过这一平台,你可以忘记许多烦恼和琐碎的事情在分布式系统的开发(如NAT /防火墙穿越,的UDP / TCP协议的交换机等) 。
主要的重点是在这个框架内,以减轻P2P的连接建立,数据和信息传输。与P2fr a mework ,开发商不需要照顾NAT穿越,防火墙/代理问题,可靠性的UDP和TCP短期发送/接收的问题(等)的点对点环境。例如,可能同行后面的NAT或使用HTTP代理上网。另一个例子是,开发商可能要处理UDP和TCP连接以同样的方式,例如,一个可能需要可以传递信息的UDP和TCP可靠传输数据块的块,而不是流。在P2fr a mework ,各种连接建立和数据传输的封装几乎相同的接口。您可以使用混合连接P2fr a mework来确定最佳连接你喜欢同伴之间。此外,所有的网络业务的非块P2fr a mework其中只有运行signle线程。因此,开发商不需要使用互斥。和P2fr a mework可以建立在双方的Win32和Linux平台。-P2fr a mework is an open source project. It is a highly efficient platform for making distributed system development much easier. With this platform, you can forget many annoying and trivial things in the distributed system development (such as NAT/firewall traversal, udp/tcp protocol switch, etc.).
The main focus on this fr a mework is to ease the P2P connection establishment, data and message transmission. With P2fr a mework, the developers do not need to care NAT traversal, firewall/proxy problem, UDP reliability and TCP short send/receive problem (etc.) in peer-to-peer environment. For example, peers may behind NAT or uses a http proxy to access Internet. Another example is that the developers may want handle UDP and TCP connections in the same way, such as, one may want to UDP can transmit messages reliably and TCP can transmit data block by block rather than stream. In P2fr a mework, all kinds of connection establishment and data transmission are encapsulated as almost the same interfac
主要的重点是在这个框架内,以减轻P2P的连接建立,数据和信息传输。与P2fr a mework ,开发商不需要照顾NAT穿越,防火墙/代理问题,可靠性的UDP和TCP短期发送/接收的问题(等)的点对点环境。例如,可能同行后面的NAT或使用HTTP代理上网。另一个例子是,开发商可能要处理UDP和TCP连接以同样的方式,例如,一个可能需要可以传递信息的UDP和TCP可靠传输数据块的块,而不是流。在P2fr a mework ,各种连接建立和数据传输的封装几乎相同的接口。您可以使用混合连接P2fr a mework来确定最佳连接你喜欢同伴之间。此外,所有的网络业务的非块P2fr a mework其中只有运行signle线程。因此,开发商不需要使用互斥。和P2fr a mework可以建立在双方的Win32和Linux平台。-P2fr a mework is an open source project. It is a highly efficient platform for making distributed system development much easier. With this platform, you can forget many annoying and trivial things in the distributed system development (such as NAT/firewall traversal, udp/tcp protocol switch, etc.).
The main focus on this fr a mework is to ease the P2P connection establishment, data and message transmission. With P2fr a mework, the developers do not need to care NAT traversal, firewall/proxy problem, UDP reliability and TCP short send/receive problem (etc.) in peer-to-peer environment. For example, peers may behind NAT or uses a http proxy to access Internet. Another example is that the developers may want handle UDP and TCP connections in the same way, such as, one may want to UDP can transmit messages reliably and TCP can transmit data block by block rather than stream. In P2fr a mework, all kinds of connection establishment and data transmission are encapsulated as almost the same interfac