AHP toolbox
AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation.
AHPHIER One-step hierarchical assembly of AHP weighting vector.
AHPREORDER Internal reordering function called by AHPCALC.
AHPVECTOR Calculate the AHP ranking or weighting vector from an
AHP reciproal matrix.
AHPMAKEMAT Turn a vector of comparisons into an AHP reciprocal matrix.
Copyright (C) 2001 Michael J. Sco- AHP toolbox
AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation.
AHPHIER One-step hierarchical assembly of AHP weighting vector.
AHPREORDER Internal reordering function called by AHPCALC.
AHPVECTOR Calculate the AHP ranking or weighting vector from an
AHP reciproal matrix.
AHPMAKEMAT Turn a vector of comparisons into an AHP reciprocal matrix.
Copyright (C) 2001 Michael J. Scott
AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation.
AHPHIER One-step hierarchical assembly of AHP weighting vector.
AHPREORDER Internal reordering function called by AHPCALC.
AHPVECTOR Calculate the AHP ranking or weighting vector from an
AHP reciproal matrix.
AHPMAKEMAT Turn a vector of comparisons into an AHP reciprocal matrix.
Copyright (C) 2001 Michael J. Sco- AHP toolbox
AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation.
AHPHIER One-step hierarchical assembly of AHP weighting vector.
AHPREORDER Internal reordering function called by AHPCALC.
AHPVECTOR Calculate the AHP ranking or weighting vector from an
AHP reciproal matrix.
AHPMAKEMAT Turn a vector of comparisons into an AHP reciprocal matrix.
Copyright (C) 2001 Michael J. Scott