
  • 所属分类:
  • 软件工程
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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 4.66mb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • sunshu*******
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本书讲述了软件开发中一个至关重要的问题—软件需求问题。软件开发人员及用户往往容易忽略信息沟通,导致软件开发出来后,不能很好地满足用户的需要。而返工则不仅在技术上给开发人员带来巨大的麻烦,而且软件性能深受影响且造成人力、物力的浪费。所以在开发周期早期提高项目需求分析的质量,减少重复劳动,通过控制项目范围的扩展及需求变更来达到按计划完成预定目标是当前我国软件业急需解决的问题—这也是本书讨论的主要内容。-This book describes the development of a critical software problem- Software needs. Software developers and users tend to ignore the information communication, leading software development came out, can not meet the needs of users. And rework are not only in the technical development of staff to bring great trouble, but also by the impact of software performance and human and material waste. So early in the development cycle to improve the quality of the project needs analysis, to reduce duplication of effort, by controlling the expansion of the scope of the project and demand for change to achieve the targets by the completion of the project is currently in urgent need of China' s software industry to resolve the problem- this is discussed in this book the main content .





























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