MultiProxy is a multifunctional personal proxy server you can install to
help speed up your downloads, especially if you are trying to get several
files form overseas or from otherwise rather slow server. It can also help
protect your privacy by dynamically connecting to non-transparent anonimizing
public proxy servers only. You can also test a list of proxy servers and
sort them by connection speed and level of anonimity.
MultiProxy is a Freeware program. You can distribute it freely, but you can
use it only for personal, educational or non-profit purposes. You can t make
profit by using or charge for MultiProxy or its use.
Run the self-extracting file MPROXY12.EXE to install MultiProxy.
The installation wizard will guide you through the install process.
Please check our web site occasionally for updates. Several enhanced
features are planned for future releases.
help speed up your downloads, especially if you are trying to get several
files form overseas or from otherwise rather slow server. It can also help
protect your privacy by dynamically connecting to non-transparent anonimizing
public proxy servers only. You can also test a list of proxy servers and
sort them by connection speed and level of anonimity.
MultiProxy is a Freeware program. You can distribute it freely, but you can
use it only for personal, educational or non-profit purposes. You can t make
profit by using or charge for MultiProxy or its use.
Run the self-extracting file MPROXY12.EXE to install MultiProxy.
The installation wizard will guide you through the install process.
Please check our web site occasionally for updates. Several enhanced
features are planned for future releases.