介绍行列划分算法和矩阵相乘并行算法M P I 程序, 给出基于矩阵相乘并行算法的M P I 实现, 分析和讨
论处理器数目、复杂性、矩阵划分、B 子块传递、死锁避免和矩阵数据的获取等问题.-Introduction into the ranks of the matrix multiplication algorithm and parallel algorithm for MPI procedures, give parallel algorithm based on matrix multiplication of the MPI implementation, analysis and discussion of the number of processors, complexity, matrix breakdown, B sub-block transmission, to avoid deadlock and matrix data access and so on.
论处理器数目、复杂性、矩阵划分、B 子块传递、死锁避免和矩阵数据的获取等问题.-Introduction into the ranks of the matrix multiplication algorithm and parallel algorithm for MPI procedures, give parallel algorithm based on matrix multiplication of the MPI implementation, analysis and discussion of the number of processors, complexity, matrix breakdown, B sub-block transmission, to avoid deadlock and matrix data access and so on.