编写一个程序,有一个汽车类vehicle,它具有一个需传递参数的构造函数,类中的数据成员车轮个数wheels和车重weight是保护类型;一个轿车类car是vehicle的公有派生类,其中包含载人数passenger;一个卡车类truck是vehicle的公有派生类,其中包含载人数passenger和载重量payload。每个类都有相关数据的输出方法。-The preparation of a program, there is a car-type vehicle, it has a need to pass the constructor parameters, type the data in the number of members of the wheels and car wheels is to protect the type of heavy weight a sedan-type car is a vehicle derived class public, which contains the capacity of passenger a truck is a truck-type vehicle of the public derived class, which includes passenger and load capacity of payload. Have relevant data for each category of output method.